As a child I grew up in a house full of music, my mother loved her LP collection and played them loud every weekend and my older sister had started her 7” collection which educated me in the sounds of the 70s.
It was this time I first heard the name David Bowie and saw his outragious posters and appearences on Top of the Pops. Since then David Bowie and his music has been in my life and in many ways closer than others. I remember the release of the ‘Let’s Dance’ album when I was working in a record store, David had come back all reinvented AGAIN and took over the charts and our store was mobbed with fans and merchandise. In fact I had to go with store owners to Brighton record fair to bid for more stock as that was the need for his music.
Later in my life David Bowie came back into it in a bigger way and I got closer than I could ever imagined to his music. It was discovering LG73 and who what must be said ‘the number one David Bowie fan’ Ramoana Stone. Her show ‘The Ramoana Experience’ was and still is all things Bowie with live concerts, interviews, interesting facts, fun and rare recordings. It was through Ramoana’s show that I had a go at presenting radio due to her kindness to give up one part of her air time. We had Bolan and Bowie together in the same show and even on David Bowie’s 65th birthday we did a massive birthday party with fans writing in messages and poems to the legend that was Bowie. It was through this radio show I met who is now my wife so thank you RaM and thank you David.
*The Ramoana Experience now on MaxRadio

I also worked on a Bowie project with
Pete Waller under his DeafboyOne banner in 2009 entitled 'Ground Control To DeafboyOne' in which I helped on it's design of the cover and recording of an album of David Bowie covers which are still close to our hearts as the album was made with love and respect.
Following this I also worked with EMI Venom on promoting that album in which an amazing video is still available to view on You Tube of 'Space Oddity'
I have also been lucky to meet another DJ, singer and all over one rocking entertainer and good friend Lady Starduzt name taken from a track of Mister Bowie’s. I produced only a few of her radio shows but got a friend for life
Waking up this morning and seeing his face on every post on Facebook was news I know we all dreaded to ever happen as David Bowie we fooled ourselves would always be here. He maybe gone but his music his various reinventions Ziggy & Alandin Sane as well as his ‘Heroes’, Tin Machine and many others will live on with us forever. I am just sad that future generations will only know this great singer, songwriter and entertainer in past tence.
The King is dead, long live the King